What are COBRA options?
The first day of the month after the month in which your dollar bank falls below $144.00, unless you or your dependents elect COBRA continuation coverage.
Federal COBRA legislation allows you and/or your dependents to purchase coverage from the Plan; for up to 18 months for yourself and your dependents, up to 24 month for qualified military service, up to 29 month in the event of disability and, in certain circumstances an additional 18 months for your dependents.. Notifications (a Cobra Offering) will go out at the end of the month prior to the month in which you lose coverage.
The Cobra Offer letter will explain the options and costs. You are allowed 45 days to return the offer form, and another 30 to pay the premium.
Payments must be made within 30 days after the start of the COBRA month, other than the first COBRA payment, which notwithstanding that 30 days rule, can be paid up to 45 days after the COBRA election. However, you will not be covered for any services UNTIL you have made payment. Monthly payments are also recommended in advance to ensure continuous coverage. Make your check payable to: The Regional District Council Welfare Trust.